Saturday, March 31, 2007

Redesign or Home Staging Entrepeneurs: Myth #1

Myth #1: Entrepeneurs are born, not made.

Is it true that you are either born an entrepreneur or you are not? Are you doomed to forever work for someone else simply because of your genetic makeup? It is true that entrepreneurs typically have a flair for the creative and a lot of energy. These are things that we are born with. However, just having these characteristics certainly does not make you into an entrepreneur.

These talents by themselves are like unmolded clay or an unpainted canvas. A true entrepreneur takes these characteristics and gathers the right skills, experience, and contacts. They are also constantly searching themselves to make improvements. You are quite likely to find an entrepreneur in the “self help” aisle of a bookstore!

So, the answer to the question? Yes and no. Yes, there are talents that most entrepreneurs are born with. And no, you have to actually use and continue to improve these talents!

To find home staging tips, go to Home Staging by Teri B. Clark or buy 301 Simple Things You Can Do To Sell Your Home NOW and For More Money Than You Thought.

To learn how to become a home redesigner, keep watching here for the new book by Mary Larsen and Teri B. Clark.


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